
MIJ Europe Team

We are happy to assist you with anything regarding your purchase of MIJ tableware. In case of a complaint or to obtain information regarding your order, please contact B2C customer support via email


Thank you for your understanding. For other requirements, please contact the responsible person at the contacts below:

Lucie Šafránková

Office Manager +420 739 451 492

Michael Žuravlov

Head of Sales +420 735 171 876

Marek Hotovčin

MIJ General Management +420 774 452 158


Billing and payment details

KULINA Group, a.s.

Výtvarná 1023/4

161 00 Prague 6

Czech Republic

VAT ID: CZ26155559

Account Number (payments in €): 2500880410 / 2010 IBANCZ52 2010 0000 0025 0088 0410 BIC: FIOBCZPPXXX

Account Number (payments in Kč): 2300517465 / 2010 IBANCZ54 2010 0000 0023 0051 7465 BIC: FIOBCZPPXXX

Variable number: invoice number 

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